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Home Forums Politics Discuss the (soon to be expiring) Tal Law Here Reply To: Discuss the (soon to be expiring) Tal Law Here


I am not sure it is wise to ressuscitate the debate about Kastner,but I re-read “Shmoel”‘s words and I think I cannot sit silent as he spews the most despicable words about an evetn that he knows nothing about and that clearly saved many Jews- some of them virulet anti-zionists- yet they were saved by the efforts of a zionist.

It seems that this has been the leitmotiv of all anti-zionists in recent decades-the “despised’ zionists save their homes and yeshivos on many occasions- 1948, 1967,1973- yet when it comes to acknowledge the minimal “hakoras hatov’ to these brave people, they spit in their faces.

We al lrecognize that we have “syata dishmaya’ to thank for all the victories and successes but it is exactly that ‘syata dishmaya’ the HELP of HKBH- as we do our own “hishtadlus” and workto advance the Almighty’s wishes.