Reply To: Obama or Romney

Home Forums Politics Obama or Romney Reply To: Obama or Romney


Yungerman: Why would snyone vote for ROn Paul? Because if you are looking for a communist government , then vote for Obama , the Kenyan Citizen, ( which has been proven over again and again) His biographies on the things he wrote in college all say , born in Kenya, his wife said it too, 2 times during the presidential campaign,)

Mitt ROmney will also be a puppet, and Ron Paul had a great chance of winning unti BEn Benake had a talk with him. He was definately threatened and now he has no chance of winning.

We dont live in a free country, the elections are rigged, they do whatever they want , and you , like a bunch of sheeple , will just listen. Its amazing how the outside world sees whats coming so clearly ,and the jewish people still think they live in a medinah shel chesed. Wake up folks before its too late.

If you dont believe me check out you tube on Michelle Obama saying that he is born in kenya.