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Tomche: You’re misrepresenting the prenup. Here’s what it says, from the website:

“What Does The Prenup Say?

The Prenup essentially contains two provisions:

1. Each spouse agrees to appear before a panel of Jewish law judges (dayanim) arranged by the Beth Din of America, if the other spouse demands it, and to abide by the decision of the Beth Din with respect to the get.

2. If the couple separates, the Jewish law obligation of the husband to support his wife is formalized, so that he is obligated to pay $150 per day (indexed to inflation), from the date he receives notice from her of her intention to collect that sum, until the date a Jewish divorce is obtained. This support obligation ends if the wife fails to appear at the Beth Din of America or to abide by a decision of the Beth Din of America.

Each of these provisions is important to ensure that a get is given by the husband to his wife in a timely manner following the functional end of a marriage. The first obligation grants authority to the rabbinical court to oversee the get process. The second obligation provides an incentive for the husband to abide by decisions of the rabbinical court, and give a get to his wife once the marriage is over and there is no hope of reconciliation.”

It makes sense to force them to go to the BDA because the BDA trusts itself. They can’t trust every random “Beis Din” made up of three “Rabbonim”, who could be biased in either direction. And they don’t have to go in front of the BDA, just in front of a Beis Din approved by the BDA.

It also clearly states that the wife loses this if she ignore Beis Din at all. And we don’t need to force her to accept a Get because if she refuses then they can give him a Heter Me’ah Rabannim, which is not a recourse available to her.

The $150 a day that they make him pay is the Mezonos that he is Chayav to pay her anyway. The Nachlas Shivah says 10 gold coins, if I recall correctly.

Also, your quote that “The BDA is… known to employ a feminist agenda and often eschew Jewish Law in favor of employing non-Jewish law.” is pure Motzi Shem Ra on big Talmidei Chachamim. I’m shocked the mods let that through. Rav Schachter explains precisely when and how what should be done in Dinei Mamonos. You being Motzi La’az on him is laughable.