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Regardless of whether it is a good idea to put such paragraphs on your shidduch resume, it is a good idea to think long and hard about why you are reluctant to write these two paragraphs.

I can’t speak for you, but as I imagine this may be read by any number of others, I’ll offer a few words of caution.

One of the chief reasons why someone may be reluctant to write two paragraphs describing their self and describing what they want in a spouse MAY be that they simply cannot answer these terribly difficult, but absolutely vital questions. It is easy to vaguely want to get married to the perfect/right/bashert person; it is much harder to put down on paper what you imagine that person is like. Writing this all down forces you to be honest with yourself; you can’t hide behind vague senses left in the confines of your own mind. It forces you to be concrete and definite, and that is both scary and difficult. Best be sure you CAN put this down on paper before you go off seeking your life partner. Even if it never makes it to the resume, you will have done yourself a great service.