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OK, just make sure you give it back when you’re finished. 🙂
I heard the following in the name of Rav Steinwurtzel, ZT”L. You’ll have to embellish it and apply it to the chosson and kallah according to their ma’alos.
Why is the bracha of “yotzer ha’adam” only said at sheva brachos? You would think that thanking Hashem for our creation would be said at least daily!
The Gemara in Eruvin (13b)says “???? ?????: ??? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ?????? – Nimnu v’gamru: noach lo l’adam shelo yoser mishenivra” – it would have been more comfortable for us to not have been created. Why? The Maharsh”a says that because there are more negative commandments (365) than positive commandmets (248), we havea bigger chance of failure than success, so we would have preffered not to have been created.
However, this does not apply if we transform our mundane activities into acts of avodas Hashem. Even the simple act of eating can be a z’chus ifdone to strengthen ourselves to daven learn, perform acts of kindness, and other mitzvos.
At sheva bracos, when we recite the bracha of “Shehakol bara lichvodo” and recognize that ultimatly, EVERYTHING was created for Hashem’s honor, we are not limited to 248 mitzvos, we have more oppurtunities for good than bad, and can appreciate Hashem’s chessed in creating us, and recite the bracha “yotzer ha’adam”.