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Ok, I just watched Part 1 of Rabbi Student’s lecture. He is a really noteworthy speaker, and I agree with everything he said, though he certainly does not need my endorsement.

Shmoel- the lowest Yid has the spiritual potential for greatness, more than a non-Jew. But to say that the lowest Yid is higher than the best Goy, is a remark that requires scrutiny. I know some non-Jews who will ALWAYS be better than some Jews whom I know. The sad fact is that Hashem gave Klal Yisroel a matana, and not every Yid makes proper use of it, or even appreciates it. Many non-Jews are fine, eidel, and kind-hearted people, who live a moral and caring life. Would you consider them to be lower than any Yid, even a murderer or pervert, simply by virtue of their non-Jewish status?