Reply To: Non religious siblings

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I get that there are alot of harmonious marriages between one and the other, but might you agree that BTs and FFBs are often (not always) very different from each other and relate better with someone from a common background (probably more by FFBs who are less adaptable)? Maybe this is partly what it is and is often misinterpreted as a rejection when the Baal Tshuva is also at fault for having an inferiority complex and thinks that the Tachlis is ‘acceptance’ by FFBs, which is demonstrated absolutely by marrying into Frum families (and also hypocritically shun BTs while doing so) and that a rejection is a rejection of them when it’s really (also) a rejection of their silliness? It may be a whole vicious cycle and I’m sure FFBs are at fault for exploiting that weakness with a lack of sensitivity and acceptance and just by being inconsiderate (and who knows maybe there’s just some truth in the discrimination, but not because of lack of merits or character…)… whatever. Rant. Love you BTs.