Reply To: Sefira Music

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feif un, what are “sefira tapes” ???

in any case, i mentioend earlier R”yitzchok Hutner zz”l allowed non- live music during sefira and i know of R’Moshe zz’l psak that jewish music stations can play chazanut during sefira. I have no clue why a digitally enhanced tape should be ossur….so, you can be a machmir and go further and further into chumros (can you sing zemiros? can you sing at all?)…I prefer to take the logical way- there is absolutely no mention in shulchan aruch of an outright ban on music and i don’t see why we should add- be moisiff- chumro upon chumro in a time that isn’t even a time of real aveilus and never mentiond in the gemoro.

Sorry, guys, chumros in sefira don’t cut it for me. And remember- in hilchos aveilus- holchim achar hameikil!!! we “pasken’ like the one who is lenient.