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I actually know a really outrageous story about this.

This guy was dating two girls and both were getting pretty serious. It got to the point that he had decided to get engaged to one of them, but he was still also dating the other.

So, he went out with the other intending to break up. But, it ended up getting very involved, and at the end of that night (morning), he was engaged to THAT one! So, they told their parents and friends, and he went back to the dorm and went to sleep.

Meanwhile, hos friends posted it on onlysimchas. But, they didn’t know her name, so they just wrote that he was engaged to “someone”.

Then, the first girl’s friends saw it, and knew she was dating him, so they all started posting “OMG! I’m so going to wear out my dancing shoes just walking to the hall! May you order the Yated neeman israel edition!”, and calling her.

The first girl had actually been talking about getting engaged with him, so she started womdering if HE thought they were engaged, but his phone is off, and she doesn’t know what to do.

B’kitzur, he spoke to his rosh yeshiva, who said he should keep up the pretense, and should marry both. And then he should have a house in israel and a job in america and commute every other week, and they’ll never know.

So that’s what I did.