Reply To: Better to Wear a Hat for Davening at Home than to Daven with a Minyan

Home Forums Tefilla / Davening Better to Wear a Hat for Davening at Home than to Daven with a Minyan Reply To: Better to Wear a Hat for Davening at Home than to Daven with a Minyan


Oomis: R’ Ovadia actually has a T’shuvah where he says that single girls should have to cover their heads while they Daven. Not their hair, but their heads, just like a guy can’t Daven without a Kippah on. In the end he says they don’t have to, but it sounds like he thinks they really should. (The Tzitz Eliezer deals with the same issue and says they shouldn’t, but he needs a fairly Dachuk Chiddush to say that).