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i didn’t really mean people should pray that he doesn’t come. I’m just saying that if those people who are rashas knew what would happen to them *and* still refuse to change – they should pray that he doesn’t come. (But don’t worry they wont, because they don’t pray to begin with)

Also doing the basics is not enough. People who are frum from birth can easily do all the basics like robots – and unfortunately i see them everywhere. Do you honestly call a person like that a tzaddik? Sure he won’t burn in hell but he probably hasn’t even touched his purpose in life.

Lastly, “scaring people away” from truth is the most misguided and convoluted concept going around in today’s word. 99% of the kiruv organizations tell people to take it slow, only keep shabbos when you feel comfortable and don’t tell them the terrible consequences of NOT keeping shabbos. This is a terrible mistake and I’ll prove it. But before that – yes there are things you shouldn’t tell a person right off the bat. Like if he is not remotely interested in keeping shabbos – it’s an avayrah to tell him so. And *no one* should be telling converts or baal tshuvas customs things they “should” be doing which is not part of the core halacha. (Although most people today don’t even know what is actually halacha and what is a minchag today…sadly).

Anyways, my proof is this…

Hashem gave us the Torah and in it says ALL the terrible things that will happen to you if you don’t keep his mitzvos. Do you really think that Hashem doesn’t know what he’s doing? Do you really think Hashem covered parts of the torah from am yisrael when he gave us the torah so that “he shouldn’t scare us away”? I mean this is ridiculous a persons soul is on the line and you’re afraid to scare him??? Let me tell you this – there are two types of people, those whose hearts care about their soul and those who don’t. You cannot “scare” a person who doesn’t care because his heart is already deaf to your attempts. But the person who does care, scaring him will be the best thing in his life, because it’s the truth.