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We can only conduct a conversation if facts are accepted as facts.
choppy- the gemoro in kiddushin (actually a mishneh)still says that it is a daas jochid. Every other tanah has a different view. Plus- the gemoro in berachos 35b quite obviously does not agree with R’Nehoroi or you.
Secondly, what halocho did R’Moshe “pasken'(that I have not accepted)? All he said was that it is allowed to take money for learning- or studying, if you want to expand the envelope. Again, until this generation , no one ever said that everyone should be in kollel. Quiet the contrary. And- if the arrangment is indeed yissoschor and zevulun, then what are we arguing about ? The fact is that the vast majority of jungeleit in israel receive a stipend from the government and this is at the center of the argument.
You may want to increase the number of yungeleit and I said- many times- “gezunterheit”- but don’t tax the rest fo the population for this.
Lastly, if you felt insulted by not being caleld an adult, my apologies and -as it is av- ask for mechilah on that ‘chet”