Reply To: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-!

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-! Reply To: H-a-s-h-e-m H-e-l-p M-e F-i-n-d A S-h-i-d-d-u-c-h-!-!


I mean when someone makes their mind up that it’s do or die, they will open their vistas. Yes, this is exactly what happened with my daughter. She is married to someone who would not have made it into even the outer orbit of her radar years earlier.

Every girl and her mother swears she is looking for ‘only the essential’ attributes or demographic she needs. But 50-60 years ago, when there were limited numbers of frum people to marry in any locality, any viable option was a good option. We are all guilty of a candy store mentality today. I know I’m a hypocrite, as I had my druthers, too, regarding my daughter. We figure there’s always SOMEBODY to go out with. More fish in the sea. Go for broke. Get the deal you want. Don’t ‘settle’. Hog wash.