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“mw13- i will pettily insult whomever i please”

Yes, apparently you will. In possible, if not probable, violation of both the asay of vi’uhavta li’rayacha kumocha and the lo sasay of onas devarim, the definite violation of just about mussar sefer every written, and only a matter of days before tisha bi’av. And be proud of it.



“No, please don’t krum op that Rashi. He clearly means partaking in non-Jewish entertainment and sports irrespective of what it entails.

I believe the Gemora says not like you, although I don’t remember the makor.

“If it contained A’Z and Gilui Arayos it would anyway be Asur.”

Interesting point. I would imagine that this comes to assur even going into the stadiums, even if one is not actually doing AZ/GA/SD.