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One the ball: Your whole post is wrong because the Poskim do toil with these (and all other) issues about how to treat them nowadays.

Looking at other words of Chazal:

‘Logic’ would dictate that the Mitzva of Netilas Yadayim before eating was only for the days of Chazal when hygiene was more of a problem.

Hygiene has nothing to do with Srach T’rumah or Tumas Yadayim.

‘Logic’ would would dictate that Hadlakos Neros for Shabos was only for the days of Chazal when they had no electricity.

The Poskim deal with this at length. Many hold that if all of the lights are on in the house and will stay on then lighting Shabbos candles and making a Bracha on them would constitute a Bracha L’vatala. That’s why women flicker the lights. To show that these candles are the main lights and therefore we can make a Bracha and that the electric lights around them are just additional lights that we are providing in addition to the candles.

And ‘logic’ would dictate that we don’t need 2 days Yom Tov anymore now that we are proficient in astronomy and know exactly when Rosh Chodesh is.

They were proficient in astronomy. That’s not the reason for 2 day Yomim Tovim. See Beitzah 4b.

If you have any other examples of things which Lish’ora should be different nowadays I would be happy to provide you with sources or explanations from the Poskim about why they aren’t different (or even sometimes why they are). But all of these issues are discussed. Halachah doesn’t just ignore reality.