Reply To: is it wrong to go to sports games

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There is nothing inherently wrong with going to a sporting event or following a sports franchise. If you attend an event does that mean you will ultimately gawk at an immodest woman or start to speak profanity? By that logic we should not be allowed to walk outside nor live in New York City. Don’t we have the ability to make the best judgements for ourselves and if we don’t suffer the consequences. It seems far too often in the orthodox Jewish community, in the post Rav Moshe era, that we attempt to deprive ourselves and every person in our path of making their own decisions and carefully analyzing their actions. If there is one aspect of something someone does not approve of we need to ban it outright, (see: Citi Field Asifa). Is this the way Hashem wants the Jewish community to behave themselves? It is embarrassing to see Jew against Jew, battle over the most insignificant of issues. If a father wants to take his children to a ballgame in order to spend time with his children, why does that concern you? Why is it your business to get involve in affairs that have zero meaning in your life? This is not achdus nor “kol yisrael arevim zeh la zeh”, and just leads people to be rebellious and commit sins they would not normally commit under ordinary circumstances.