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The little I know


Internet access can be controlled in three ways.

1. Total ban. Highly advised for all households, but not always possible or practical.

2. Filtered. There are many filters available. If parents have the passwords to suspend, they are themselves at risk. Not all filters are good for our purposes, as standards vary from one company to the next. Overly restrictive filters may actually prevent needed access to the web. There is a degree of individual decision to be made here, and having guidance from a posek is recommended (or required).

3. Monitored. There is software that keeps track of computer activity, particularly internet activity. Any sites that are considered questionable are flagged, and the report is sent, usually weekly, to a designated monitor. This creates the technological ??? ???? that is demanded in ???? ???? as part of our emunah in Hashem. Thus, even what passes a filter is flagged and exposed to an outsider. It is recommended by professionals everywhere that a wife not be her husband’s monitor (or vice versa). There is a Rov in New York that does not permit unmonitored internet access among his mispallelim. He receives a few hundred reports weekly.

The professionals I know all suggest monitors as stronger than filters, but also suggest filters anyway.

For those coping with someone who is surfing the wrong places on the web, recognize that these aveiros occur in a ?? ???? ?? ?????, in other words, in a mind empty of the proper things that should be occupying it. It is better to view the individual who has fallen prey to this problem as having a sickness, not an evil person. He is not cheating on his wife; he is cheating on his ????. He needs help, not ?????. Test this. It works.