Reply To: When your spouse gets "OUTED"

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Thanks a lot again to everyone here fr all the caring and good advice. The problem is that we don’t even have a regular computer in the house but my husband has a portable device and also a smart phone and he says he just can’t have filters on his portable device because it cuts off too many things he must have for work. Also I went to a professional technology person to learn more about filter choices for my husband but he says that the portable device my husband has isn’t able to have monitoring on it. So now he has no filters and says he can put one on but will need the password in case it holds him back from being able to get to a work-needed site! I know it’s probably baloney but theres some truth that filters do block out even needed sites because my filter is very annoying in that way. But the real problem is his device is not monitoring-friendly. So how can I in any way force himto protect his device? I also did confront him about using the Internet too much without saying the sites I saw he visited so he knows I’m saying he has a problem but he denies he uses it too much or that it’s a problem. I keep suggesting getting help and he says he doesn’t need it,