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yeshivishsocrates – Just curious. Do you even know who Socrates was?

“Oy veh, Professional help means nothing,”

Right, because you say so. And your the expert because why?

“i dont know who you are or what your background is in these matters but i doubt its one of much experience.”

So what is your experience? Being online and blogging all day?

I won’t even be Choshet where you are going that you have sooo much experience.

“The issue at hand, terrible and devastating as it may well be is not one which requires help.”


“This does not mitigate the severity of the issue but there are thousands upon thousands of people who have experienced these issue or who are experiencing these issues who will tell you unequivocally that whilst it may be an overwhelming and all consuming issue, it is not one which can be helped with anti addiction treatments.”

Right. Just like the alcoholic will say I’m not a drunk and even if I do drink a little bit -no shrink will be able to help me.

Or the smoker will say -I’m gonna stop right after I get married -I don’t need no professional help.

This is the problem with Bain Hamzmanim. Kids come here looking for some fun. But what they don’t realize – is that Adults come here all the time looking for solutions for real problems.

Hey kids, you want some Letzonus? Go Troll at some white-supremacist site and blog there and I’m sure you’ll have a ball.

The yeshivos should cut Bain Hazmanim to 5 days during the summer, just so the Bochurim can go home and visit their parents.

Wow, some serious anger at yeshiva guys and at bein hazmanimim, are your children causing you strife? do you wish they could be away for longer? may i suggest military school?

As for the tachlis of your post, im very familiar with Socrates and his work, you say youre not going to be choshed me… isnt that saying one thing and doing another?

The comparison to smoking or alcoholism is not the greatest one. Those substances are chemical and the addicton to them is a chemical one. The addiction to unsuitable material is not an addiction but a compulsion, electric shock therapy wont be nearly as efficienct as a supportive wife to help muster the will to have the self control.

As to your various assumptions about my occupation, you have no idea from what walk of life i hail or how i spend my time, if i was in a decent yeshiva, it wouldnt be bein hazmanim yet anyway.