Reply To: Interesting: Position of HaRav Eliyahu Meir Bloch ztl on the State of Israel

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Interesting: Position of HaRav Eliyahu Meir Bloch ztl on the State of Israel Reply To: Interesting: Position of HaRav Eliyahu Meir Bloch ztl on the State of Israel


mogold- well, I did start the ‘ad hominem’ attacks, accusing you of denigrating previous gedolim, so , from now onwards, I will refrain from ‘ad hominem’ attacks. You can do whatever you want, but your aspersions on me and my thoughts (you don’t even know me) are out of bounds. No matter,let’s stick to the issues. The Chassam Sofer zz’l died in 1839, so his views on Zionism, the return to Eretz Yisroel ,the medinah are impossible to know. THAT was my point. (Actually, you can extrapolate them, if you look in the kesovim of R” Zvi Hirsch Kalisher, a talmid of R”Akiva Eiger and a correspondent of the Chassam Sofer and they are very sympathetic to the return to Eretz Ysroel) .

On your main point of “chodosh ossur min hatorah”- which is what you are leaning on, actually it was a “horo’as sho-oh” because Reform was getting stronger and the Chassam Sofer intended to stop it. Many of the Chassam Sofer’s “issurim’ are not necessarily halocho (see R”Moshe Feinstein on the bimah in the middle, for example) but a response to the conditions of the day.

Hence, my point about not being able to lean on the Chassam Sofer’s words in regard to the medinah or anything in today’s world. One of the great Hungarian rabbonim , surely a follower of the Chassam Sofer, Rav Teichtal HY”D, changed his mind on the medinah and wrote the seminal sefer “Eim habonim Semeicha”,so you see that even talmidim of the Chassam Sofer could support a return to Eretz Ysroel.

As far as Greenbaum remarks, indeed ,he said something similar and he was roundly criticized for it- as you see, people still remember that odious remark seventy years later. However, it has nothing to do with Eretz Yisorel and the medinah.