Reply To: Braiding Challos – Why?

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nishtdayngesheft,I’m sorry for getting you so riled up.

All I was asking is why 6 braids have a shaychis to lechem haponim?

Maybe it has to do with the twelve names on each of the avnei shoham? (That would at least explain 6×2)

Maybe it has to do with the 12 hours of the day?

Maybe it has to do with the 12 step program of AA?

Maybe the stress should be on 6 (6 braids in each Challos)?

Like learning Shas on Shabbos.

Or 6 days of work creation before the original Shabbos?

So, RebRY, says the source is Lechem HaPanim. Fine. Again, why should my challos somehow connect to Lechem Hapanim? And if there is a source, why don’t we all have twelve individual challos, LIKE THE LECHEM HAPANIM? Why in Tishrei is there one round challos, without braids? Were the Lechem HaPanim not brought in Tishrei???

I am not saying that we should stop making 6 braids. As I posted, my wife makes 6 braids. I personally think it has to with the style that my wife, and her mother, prefer. Just like the Honey Chicken and coleslaw, and great ice cream desserts. She like them, thinks they are pretty, and is therefore michabed the holy Shabbos that way. But if RebRY is saying that it has to do with the lechem haponim, what is the source and why davka that.