Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas? Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?


“It is a dishonest tactic that shames its users.”

If you’re talking about me, I didn’t intend to shame anybody (for the sake of shaming), and if I did I apologize, and I definitely wasn’t employing tactics. I was responding to Sam’s interpretation (which, what do you expect, it’s apikursus), not mine. And with that, I have to say that I don’t only want to defend myself, but accuse you of misjudging.

I didn’t say anyone was an apikorus chas vishalom, just that they don’t properly recognize it. I said krum because in my opinion it was surprising that Sam, who is often erudite and accurate, was seemingly way off, which I suspect had to do with an unfortunate bias.

“I thank Hakodosh Boruch Hu every day for the gift of renewing Jewish sovereignty in Eretz Yisroel.”

Very nice. I think many anti-Zionists will agree that Hashem did miracles with us.

ditto what Health said.

“The “Tikva” of two thousand years described by the author of the anthem is the hope and bitachon of every Jew in the last 2000 years. It is the pashut meaning of “bshuv H’ Es shivas Tziyon.””

Did the early Zionists believe that Eretz Yisroel is literally God given?