Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas? Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?


Curiosity -“The issur to have a tattoo goes on the actual action of tattooing. Once you have the tattoo you have no chiyuv to remove it mitzad the issur of kaakua. A nazzir swears off drinking wine, but if you cut him open and put wine in his stomach, he isn’t over an aveira. If he drinks it, he doednt need to vomit it out. So too the shvua prohibiting establishing a state goes only on the process of establishment. Once it’s established you need not remove it, it’s irrelevant to the shvua. Especially if it will get ppl killed in the process. The Satmar Rebbe’s psak is irrelevant now and if you push for it you will get 7 million Jews killed. Someone who pushes for the disestablishment of the state of Israel is considered a rodef and is chayav misa as such.”

Now you have become a Poisek. How about naming s/o who says the Shavous are irrevelant after the establishment of the State?

Quote from the Satmar Rebbe from the previos page:

“Every single moment that they hold on to their State and government they are reviling G-d in their violation of the Three Oaths through their provocation and rebellion against the Nations,”

So he seems to disagree with you, but I guess you know better.

And btw, if you even know the Halachos of Rodef, if they give the State to a country like Turkey and the international community guarantees the civil rights of Jews -there will no bloodshed.

OTOH, continuing with the Zionist regime -there will probably be more terrorist attacks and wars with subsequent casualties.