Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas? Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?


ROB -“good luck, health ,in trying to convince six million jews in eretz yisroel.”

I post my ideology here in a public forum. It’s Not my duty to convince anyone more than what I’m doing already.

And if most of those 6 million were interested in doing the Rozon of Hashem – there wouldn’t be a Frei Gov. there!

And as each day passes – this Gov. is getting more and more Anti- religious Judaism. Look how they want to stop people from learning Torah by forcing almost e/o into the army!