Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas? Reply To: Why was the National Anthem or G-D Bless Ameirica not sung by Siyum Hashas?


avhaben: Thank you for your knee jerk non-answer. I guess you really don’t know.

Health: Your response is a much better one. I don’t have an answer for you and wish that women were not in combat in the IDF. However, since Rav Aharon Lichtenstein & Rav Aharon Shteinman (both Gedolei HaDor) agree that there is room to serve in the IDF, I can not fathom how it would be “breaking Halacha”. I assume they have answers, even if I don’t.