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gavra_at_work -“Health:However, since Rav Aharon Lichtenstein & Rav Aharon Shteinman (both Gedolei HaDor) agree that there is room to serve in the IDF, I can not fathom how it would be “breaking Halacha”. I assume they have answers, even if I don’t.”
My point wasn’t to Pasken or to say these Gedolim are wrong, but to point out that there is a strong religious reason for those from the Frum community who don’t want to join up. They should Not be forced to join because the PC amongst the Freye (and even amongst some “Frum” zionists -like those that post here) is – It’s not fair. There was a “Status Quo” from the begining of the Medina that they didn’t force the Yeshiva guys into the army.
These Freye were quite intelligent, not like the populace nowadays. So why did they agree to it? Perhaps because they realized that the Frumme would add something to the country even without them going into the army.