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Did hashgacha pratis end in 1948? If the State of Israel exists, it’s obviously only because of the Retzon HaBorei – and the Nissim that have taken place, firstly for it to even have been established, and secondly to have continued to survive and thrive, should teach us all something. As Ma’aminim, we believe that HKB”H rules over all – and it is clearly His will that Israel exist.

That is not to say that there is not significant room for improvement – we all MUST strive to improve the situation in E”Y. However, the way to do that is to engage with the state and general population – not to close ones self off from the greater Israeli society. After all, thevast majority of Israeli society is just as Jewish as the frummest Chareidi – and we have a Chiyuv to show them that “deracheha darkei noam”. Yes, there is room for improvement – but rather than just standing there and yelling “gevaldt” about how bad things are, we should all go out and do what we can to improve it.

I put my money where my mouth is by moving to Israel (with a family) despite the difficulties – after 120 years, I want to be able to say that yes, I did do something other than sit on my rear to improve Artzeinu HaKedosha.

an Israeli Yid