Reply To: ACS

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Yes i am a teacher. I am required to report any signs of abuse regarding the children in my classroom, but i agree with you. As i stated i feel awful that i have not reported it sooner. I was pregnant this whole year and this neighbor has threatened me NUMEROUS times and honestly, i was afraid she was going to push me down a flight of stairs or worse. So i was being selfish. I happen to have a newborn now which is why i am pushing it off until i move. I hope that Hashem forgives me for that but i was putting my family first.

I do not want to say too much because it may give me away, as my husband and i have discussed the situation with many of our friends, but what goes on in that home is out of control, and unbearable for the kids. No one is answering my question so i will ask again, IF acs does come and for whatever reason lets the kids stay, what if the parents react WORSE then usual and do something drastic? I am being 100% serious. As i told the police one of the many times i called them on these neighbors, ” does a child need to be killed for you to actually do something about this”?