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as far as i know with the issur of mochek that we do not rip on words is be`etzem a chumrah

nogeah eating cakes icing the ramah in 340 bfeirush says it is muttur [aval yeish cholkim ayin shum heiteiv] the mishnah brurah is mevaer it is domeh to opening and shutting a door on shabbos that there there is no issur of boneh soser because it is made to be like that

nogeah library books there is what to be somech on to be meikal ie the svarah of the mishnah berurah and that it is not really mochek al mnas lichtov vchu’ but i am not a posek lmaaseh in the real world so don’t be somech on me.

Enough of your games Mr. bugnot A.K.A. bugyes A.K.A. Chacham A.K.A. posek hador A.K.A. shtultzy guy A.K.A. shmoigel A.K.A. not my real name A.K.A. curiousme.

I can go on and on and on. Pick a screen name and stick with it already!