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“Call Debbie Fox and have your friends call Debbie Fox at Aleinu and speak to them to find out what to do. If you don’t call them then you are no better than those you accuse.”

Wow. So, if I don’t call Aleinu I am as bad as a child rapist. Got it.

And what makes you think I am doing any vigilante-like? I was given a psak to inform all the Rabbonim of the area to address this situation (from Rav Godwasser) and I have spoken with Zvi Gluck who is putting me in contact with Debbie Fox (whew. I guess I’m not as bad as a child molester. Dodged a bullet there). I have not put up any posters or told anyone about this save my friend who is a Deputy Sheriff and a frum Yid.

It has never been established that this kid was ever molested himself (though I certainly do not discount it). That being said, I guess we should have rachmanus on his molester since he himself was molested! Let’s just forgive everyone up through this sick, perverted chian! Or we can be proactive to make sure this kid is no longer a danger to the community by letting the community know that such a danger exists, thereby breaking the chain.

Even the Rav of the shul where it happened told the President to inform the community.

From the father of the molested little girl to me: “I just want everyone in our community to know his name, what he looks like and what he’s done. He still seems to be cloaked in secrecy. XXXXXX swears he’s going to call every Rabbi and educator in Valley Village and warn them, and Rabbi XXXXXX not only gave his blessing but told him to do it as president of the shul. The odds seem to be pretty good that [the molester] will reoffend again some day, I’d like to think I’d done what I could to prevent it and without eating out my insides in the process.”

Explain how is ensuring safety vigilantism?

Poppa: “yehudahtzvi: This thread is really not making me think very highly of you.” And why is that? What have I done to make you think that? Apparently you hold different views than Zvi Gluck whom you put me in contact with.

Aries – You seem to have much knowledge of the case including the court date, why don’t you enlighten us regarding the boy and his history? My limited knowledge comes from consoling the father of a six year old innocent girl who was raped and scarred for life by him.

Please, show me his good side.