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Rabbaim: I’ve heard that marijuana will do that to people.
We need to realize who and what Carlebach was. He was a gifted song writer (although personally I don’t enjoy may of his songs.) He also had a tremendous level of ahavas Yisrael. Actually, not just for Jews – he really loved everyone. Of course, that was a standard thing for most hippies.
However, many people view him as a great Rabbi. Yes, when he was younger, he learned in Lakewood, and supposedly did very well there. But when he got older, things changed. The things he did with women are well known. He encouraged mixed dancing, and he used to hug and kiss women he didn’t know. He also performed with non-Jewish singers on stage (notably Bob Dylan).
Is this how a Rabbi should be acting? Obviously not! So if you want to learn from Carlebach, learn what it means to love your fellow Jew. But don’t make him out to have been an incredible Rabbi. The fact is that not only did he sin with regard to the opposite gender, he encouraged others to do so as well.