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The most ridiculous comment comes from “gavra at work” .A “psak Din” to vote for Obama????? Are you hallucinating?? Plus, Romney never said he would cut all program-another lie by the democrats.

gavra-at-work: It is time to remember that O doesn’t give us anything!

Hashem does …

O must go!!

I agree with rabbiofberlin. The comment from “gavra at work” is absurd.

The Gedolim expect us to do our part to ensure we keep this sonei yisroel as our leader because apparently God has decided that the only source of funding for our Kollelim and Talmidei Chachamim is through Obama.

Now that you all agree, why do the gedolim in EY always base their vote on funding? Why are they so worried that funding will be cut off by the government, to the point where staying or leaving depends only on the almighty Shekel!!!

Now, if you all got off your idealist podium, you would realize that dollars are more important than social issues. You would understand the Gedolim of our times. The ends of Dollars and Kollel outweigh the means of staying or leaving the government, as well as voting for someone who will allow Toeivah marriage (R”L). The Gedolim of last generation, including Rav Miller, predicted this would happen if the men would not work. And it did.
