Reply To: WIC

Home Forums Money & Finance WIC Reply To: WIC


People are meticulus on many areas of Mitzvot, People eat Chalav Yisroel, People triple check the veggies for bug.

I am meticulus when it comes to money issues. I dont cheat the government even if its legal or quasi legal but it smells like it might be illegal.

If you take money from the government you need to use it EXACTLY as it was intended, If you dont like the rules, dont take the money.

It is not a Chillul Hashem to eat a piece of Broccoli, but its a HUGE Chillul Hashem that people feel they can not pay income taxes, use Section 8 housing money to pay rent to in-laws who own the house, to get Welfare when you are an able body person who can work.

Imagine the News goes to Lakewood and discovers all the Kollel guys who accept government assistance and then puts this on the Front page of the NY Times.

Would you claim the NY Times is biased and hates “True Torah Jews” or would you say, Oy Rachmana Lanu that we have fallen so low that we must take from the government to support kollels and work to end the system