Reply To: Will Mitt Romney Win the Presidential Election?

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Presidential elections are decided by electoral votes not popular votes meaning each state gives a certain number of votes if a candidate wins.

Romney is only contesting 9 States. So if you take the electoral votes in the states that are not being contested

Obama has 237

Romney has 191

You need 270 to win

In the 8 states (NH, VA , NC, OH, WI, IA, NV, FL, CO) that are being contested Romney is behind in the polls of 7 of them (He is ahead in NC) and Obama is begining to pull away in OH where the auto bailout was popular and unemplpoyment is fairly low (18 Electoral votes giving Obama 255) It will also be fairly hard for Romney to win in CO and NV because there are large amounts of Latino voters who dont like the GOP (Another 15 Electoral votes total 270)

Privately GOP pollsters say it will be unlikely Romney will win VA or NH either due to demographics in those states (There is a large liberal population in the state dependent on Government contracts around the DC area) and Many Liberals from Boston have moved a few miles to “New Boston” for lower taxes but retain their liberal views making NH out of reach.