Reply To: Who are the Quiet Girls Supposed To Marry?

Home Forums Shidduchim Who are the Quiet Girls Supposed To Marry? Reply To: Who are the Quiet Girls Supposed To Marry?

Richie Rich

Perhaps the ‘already kind of shy’ guys that go on a date with really shy girls think “she’s not into me at all”. And if she’s not really “shy” but merely quiet, than what was the purpose of going out in the first place, to sit and look at each other. I think to a degree loud people are correct that shy people (not being used as blanket term for all quiet people) need to get over themselves and their self-consciousness (I am one of these) but in the same breathe loud/outgoing/talkative people need to shut up sometimes and ask questions and wait for an answer, and you’ll find that the quiet and sometime even the shy, will begin to open up to you. It’s all about how comfortable they feel.

Also I share this story. There was a guy, good buddy of mine, that is really outgoing/easygoing/flirty/talkative even has a few ideas he likes to push… unfortunately even loud “in your face girls” can eventually see past the skewed perspectives. Sometime it’s those quiet introspective souls that have the insights and thoughts that really stir you. If in addition they can also be relaxed and have a good time with you, not take themselves too seriously, then bang…you have yourself a match.

Quietness does not mean depth however, nor does loudness make a person shallow. But we’ve misinterpreted the terms shy, shameless, introvert, extrovert, soft-spoken, loud, and grouped some of them together unfairly.