Reply To: Is it permissible to have a goy in a sukkah?

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Is it permissible to have a goy in a sukkah? Reply To: Is it permissible to have a goy in a sukkah?


WIY: Okay, I’ll be safe in violating this “Inyan” (whatever that means) along with Rabban Gamliel. That’s fine by me. (I don’t actually plan on having any Goyim in my Sukkah this year, but there’s definitely no problem with it.)

And the whole thing doesn’t make sense. “Extreme holiness”? A Sukkah is Tashmishei Mitzvah, not Tashmishei Kedushah. That’s almost like the Chabad “S’vara” that a Sukkah is so holy that it would be inappropriate to sleep in it, therefore they don’t sleep in a Sukkah. It’s ridiculous and Mamash against Halachah. Ein Lanu Eisek B’nistaros. Hanistaros LaHashem Elokeinu V’haniglos Lanu Ulvaneinu Ad Olam.