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Yungerman: That’s R’ Shlomo Zalman Leshitaso by Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavanah who says (first Siman in the Minchas Shlomo) that the Din should be that you’re Over an Asei D’Oraisa if you wear Tzitzis in a bathroom (Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavana and since you can’t have Kavana in a bathroom you are wearing a Beged Shel 4 Kanfos without Tzitzis). For whatever reason, we clearly don’t hold by his understanding of Mitzvos Tzrichos Kavana. (And yes, I do realize that there are several potential ways to distinguish between Tzitzis and Sukkah and say even though we don’t hold like him there we hold like him by Sukkah.)

And I already made my M’cha’ah. What you choose to do with it is not my responsibility.