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just my hapence

Health – Oh deary, deary me… Look, you claim to because a Hurricane happened after an event this means that one may be a cause for the other. This is a) logically unsound and b) arrogant in the extreme. I do not know whether or not one thing causes the other. The first prosecution here in England for not performing a ceremony for what you call a to’eva couple was nearly two years ago. There has been a spectacular lack of hurricanes or any large scale natural disaster of any kind anywhere near the area concerned. It is presumptuous in the extreme to claim to have any idea of why HKB’H does the things he does when and where he does. I do not think I misinterpreted your post, but you definitely misinterpreted mine. Nowhere do I claim that one aveiro is more or less chomur than the other, simply that the adjective ‘to’eva’ is applied equally to both. ‘To’eva’ is not an indicator of seriousness of an aveiro, but a description of it, it is an aveiro which is (or so Artscroll says) ‘abominable’. Now the Torah calls many things a ‘to’eva’, for various reasons. Plumba was merely asking why this label has been reserved exclusively for those who are over just one of these many when the Torah applies it to others, he was not equating onshin or chumra, just adjectives. And if the HKB’H didn’t think that dishonesty in masoh u’maton was not a to’eva, He would not have used that word when describing it in His Torah. The quote from the Gemoro was simply to highlight that masoh u’maton is not a light matter, it is something HKB’H treats with the utmost seriousness and yet this same to’eva is willfully ignored by hundreds of ‘bnei torah’ because they can ‘mach shtick’. Well I’m sorry, but it’s still a to’eva, however much shtick is used.