Reply To: Obama won the election because…

Home Forums Decaffeinated Coffee Obama won the election because… Reply To: Obama won the election because…


A few questions (please keep in mind that I am a BT, and only went to a bais yaakov school for twelfth grade):

1. If Rav Moshe Feinstein’s heter does not apply anymore, than why is there a such thing as OU-D?

2. If we are required to drink cholov Yisroel milk/ keep cholov yisroel, then is that like saying we don’t trust other hechshers like the ou, crc, etc when it comes to certifying dairy products, especially because the supervisors, are still orthodox rabbis?

3. The US has laws that prevent anything else from being put into cows milk, so why would farmers violate that law, and have their products certified by jewish organizations, and even if not by jewish organizations, doesn’t the us government inspect these farms where the milk is produced?