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You should so look into Bnos Chana / Halichos. It is such an awsome place. It is for totally committed girls but it doesn’t stuff stuff down your throat. There is such a sense of kedusah among the girls and there is a real move towards growth and closeness to HaShem that comes from the girls, not just the staff. Alot of the girls come to work on things like not listening to secular music, and dressing more tzniusdik etc. It is better when you know you can talk about what you are feeling and going through with other girls that are going through the same thing.
The learning is fantastic. Because it is a small place every girl gets tons of attention and help if they want it. There are tutors to help girls who want to work on skills. The classes are super relevant and the teachers help apply everything we learn to our lives. There is alot of learning inside so its not just someones opinion but it is Toras emes! They really encourage you to ask questions and to not rest until you get an answer that makes sense to you. Even though the girls are all frum and come from frum schools, everyone has questions they were affraid to ask in high school, but really want to know the answers to.
There are two parts to the sem. Bnos Chana is all day learning until about 6PM and then the night classes are fun stuff like yearbook, nutrition, make up etc. Then there is Halichos. Halichos is pretty intense and it is for girls who really want to come out of their year in seminary with a way to make parnassa. It is alot of homework and you work with real clients but there is so much help and support that the girls just love it. The afternoons is limudei kodesh with the most wonderful teachers and rabbis. It is very inspiring to know that you really used every minute of your day when you fall into bed at night.
The school is so friendly and warm and Rabbi and Mrs. Cohn make every girl feel special. It is such a great place you really should check it out.