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and fact is, once guy is on a date – if he likes the girl, other stuff don’t bother him. on paper, they may say they want the skinny girl. but if the girl listens to him, respects him, etc. most guys would find that girl attractive.

one rebetzin, i know, said that she never talks about looks, because beauty is in the eye of the beholder. once, a guy who said he wants only a gorgeous girl asked this rebetzin about a particular girl. now, the rebetzin felt like she couldn’t lie, and said that she is not particularly beautiful.

well, the guy, went out with this girl, and forever cannot forgive the rebetzin for having thought that his now WIFE is not stunning.

relax! i have heard so many stupidities – smart people get married late, guys only want size 2, etc. etc. Hashem has a shidduch for each and every person!