Reply To: Seminary options?



OK, good. I really hate it when i get into those type of situations!

I know I get really uncomfortable when girls sing that stuff in front of me! Sometimes I have to ask them to kindly stop singing that, because some of us here don’t listen to that stuff, and it gets all awkward! You know what I mean?

I’m glad you don’t see many knees there… That would have driven me crazy! Up the wall! (I suppose many things do :))

But most girls don’t even come in listening and watching, right? like less than 1/3?

Hi Meira!

Sorry about that… I did define “yeshivish” in an earlier post… guess you missed it. So I’ll copy and paste it here:

“And to those of you who are wondering, when I say yeshivish I mean VERY frum, not necessarily the kind that where black all the time and who’s fathers learn in kollel full time. Just the type that don’t watch movies, don’t listen to non-Jewish music, don’t show their knees even while sitting, don’t wear a ton of makeup every day, and also have a thirst to learn Torah… like, not just class-related stuff. Hope that clears it up. :)”

Thanks for asking!