Reply To: Seminary options?


OK, so this is what I heard about several sems:

Seminar: not academic, party girls 🙂

MR: academic, New Yorkie, fun people

Ateres: Like MR just not as academic and out-of-townie

Bnos Sarah: academic, strong BY girls

Tiferes: yeshivish, yeshivish, yeshivish… lol

Did I get any wrong impressions?

This past summer I got to know a girl who is so cute I absolutely love her! She went to Tiferes, and she was telling me things that I liked a lot! Yeah, its very yeshivish (she told me I would have a culture shock if I went there) and the girls are very not exposed type but other than that she described them as Bnos Sarah type of girls. And I was also seriously thinking about Bnos Sarah, so I might look into Tiferes.

Another question: what type of average is Ateres looking for?