Reply To: Seminary options?


Thank you for your input not so sure if you can say such a thing without knowing that much about it… I did go so have the right to say that. I happen to agree that Bnos Sara is incredible beyond! I don’t know if you realize but it is a very academic place. Not all of us are brilliant enough to get in and survive there. Also some people like more hashkafa then bnos sara offers. For example an Ateres report would be on Ahavas Hashem with a lot of mussar sources while a bnos sara report may be on the travels of the shevatim in the midbar or the bigdei kehunah with more textual sources. I happen to love Bnos Sara too though! From this girl’s post it sounds like she doesn’t want such an academic place so that is why I mentioned that Ateres sounds more for her. I did go there so I know more about it and what they are looking for. It is nice to talk about other seminaries but there is no need to bash out others Thanks….