Reply To: Seminary options?


Candy613 I cant thank you enough for all your information. I emailed all your posts to my friend who is also looking into Ateres and she was very excited as well. Nanny maybe we will end up together and we’ll be like: “Hey! Were you the one on YeshivaWorld who was talking to candy613!! Oh my gosh HI!” lol that sounds really funny but who knows!

One last question Candy if your still there! You emphasized that they dont target the best student etc, however do they value smart at all? Baruch Hashem I am a very good students and get high 90s so I dont want to be in a place where they wont value that at all. Also I do want to be with high caliber girls. So are they girls there because they couldnt get into a more academic seminary or are there great students there as well who just didnt want the crazy overwhelming work thing. (Like me:) Because I dont want to be with a bunch of girls who all got 70s and 80s in school – I like smart people:) Thanks again for all your help. By the way – you mentioned that your doing college now – are you doing Touro?