Reply To: Seminary options?


i went to ateres with candy and everything she said is so true and couldn’t be written better.

i’m from “in-town”, but was the one who was always the “out-of towner”, and i loved ateres. i think everyone can go to ateres and love it, not only go and ‘fit in’ but actually love it and feel like the school is tailor made for them, that’s one of the things that’s so special about ateres. our year we had girls that applied to all ranges of sems and yet they all ended up in ateres and loved it….i might not get every thing exact but if i’m remembering correctly which i think i am…girls applied to tiferes, bya, nachlas, chochmas lev, michlala, bnos sara, machon raaya, seminar, darchei bina, meohr….i think we had girls that applied to every BY sem out there and yet although everyone was different it didn’t matter we looked past that and we were all there for the same goal we were united together, looked past our differences and all strived to grow as high as we could…