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There’s lots to say on this and now is not a good time (1:21 A.M.) bli nader I’ll add more later.
For starters, a guy in yeshiva is expected to be at shachris every morning on time, 7 days a week. In a yeshiva setting this means 7:00 to 7:30 or so six days a week and probably 8 something on Shabbos. Very few guys have a perfect attendance, and trust me (I did have a 100% perfect attendance through my yeshiva career) it is very hard.
How would a girl feel about going out with a guy who slept through shacharis twice a month? How about three or four times? Yet what time to some of these girls wake up if they don’t have work one day or if they only have college in the afternoon?
What makes these girls think that if they were males they’d be from the extreme minority that always makes it to shacharis on time?
Someone once asked me to suggest a shidduch to a certain girl, when she found out that he missed shacharis about 3 or 4 times a year she nixed the idea. She told me that her brothers never miss shacharis and neither will any guy that she goes out with.
I’m not quite sure who she was fooling (definitely not me, I was in yeshiva with her brothers and I knew what was going on).
This same girl admitted that she davens shachris around noon when she only has to work in the afternoon, but “I always make zman krias shma…”.