Reply To: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up

Home Forums Shidduchim A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up Reply To: A third of Litvish families I know, have one or more single daughters 25 and up


Hello99: There is a mathematical formula to calculate the growth rate of a given population based on the TFR-total fertility rate of that population. A study of over 1000 records of families in Chareidi community here, (which was taken from the database of a leading shadchan here in America), showed an average of 6.8 siblings per family. A TFR of 6.9 translates into an annual growth of between 3.8 and 4.2%.

Additionally, there are many documented Israeli studies of the Chareidi population in Israel which all show an average of at least 4% annual growth rate of the Chareidi community there. I’ve seen a few studies myself, and I’m sure if you do a little research you’ll also find these same statistics.

(As an aside, the avi chai foundation study includes a wide spectrum of the Orthodox community in America. We are discussing here the Chareidi community only, which we can assume is not much different than the Chareidi community in Israel).

Instead of trying to ask questions about the MO community which you and I are not quiet familiar with; why don’t you bring proof of the age gap theory from the Chasidishe community here in America whom are not experiencing at all any shortage of boys (to the contrary, they experience a shortage of girls) which can obviuosly be attributed to the fact that they marry close in age.