Reply To: Free Government Programs

Home Forums Money & Finance Free Government Programs Reply To: Free Government Programs


crisis: I also find it tellingly ironic that you found fault with calling ganovim a government which taxes people to death — especially Jews who on average have more income AND who pay through their bloody noses for a public education they don’t utilize while they are denied funding for their private education even though they are taxed for education — while at the same time you saw no need to find fault or voice any protest against “dolphina” above calling Jews gazlonim who QUALIFY for programs and using them. (Since he says it raises his taxes — which is at best a nebulous claim, as the Federal government hasn’t raised taxes since 1998 despite entitlement programs costs having gone through the roof since that time — and taxes are not raised when another person joins a program.)

Calling a Jew a ganov because he receives assistance he is fully and legally 100% truthfully eligible for is okay with you but calling a government who redistributes wealth a ganov is not okay? Especially considering the government is taking a lot more taxes from Jews than it is benefiting them in entitlement program distribution?

Why would you rather the government fund minorities — who are on these programs on a much much much higher rate than Jews — but deny the same benefits to Jews?