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Yes, that phrase is troubling to me, which is why, like Rav Soloveitchik, I don’t say Brich Shmeh. When I work as a hazzan, I intone the first line and just do the part starting with Bayh Ana Rachitz.

BTW, that phrase, in addition to many others and more than a few theological propositions, make the Zohar highly problematic to me. R’ Yihyeh Qafih, zt”l, was certainly onto something. I also think that the evidence is rather conclusive that the Zohar was authored by Moshe de Leon and not Rashbi, as many (erroneously) believe.

I also am not a fan of Anim Zemiros, which is highly anthropomorphic, which makes sense, considering that it was authored by Yehuda haHasid.